Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Regime Type and its Influences on Growth Essay

During the last period of the 20th century, the world has observed the so called â€Å"Asian Miracle†, the phenomenon refers to Asian countries that achieved a very high growth rate that western countries have never experience before. Interestingly, one common thing these Asia countries have in common are the experience of a certain level of dictatorship. For example, China’s economy during 1960-1980 was heavily centralized and the private sector was not allowed to exist. Singapore gained their independence in 1945 and started to develop with the leading role of government. Japan, Malaysia, Korea, and Vietnam experienced the same level of dictatorship when they started to open their market and turn into market economies. The idea behind this phenomenon is because the government can quickly decide what industry to investment in and the large investment help these industries to acquire economics of scale quickly. The government takes the leading role as the distributor of resources instead of the market as in Western countries. My study aims at examine the relationship between the level of dictatorship and the growth rate. Literature Review That good governance is necessary for economic development was until recently the conventional wisdom. In 2002, for example, a USAID study asserted that â€Å"without good governance, it is impossible to foster development†. Lately, however, this paradigm has begun to lose ground. Robert Zoellick, president of the World Bank, argued in an October 2010 speech that development practitioners should embrace â€Å"differentiated policy approaches† noting that â€Å"what may safeguard (development) in one context my strangle in another†. The leaders of the G20 nations in November endorsed a â€Å"Seoul Consensus† that â€Å"there is no one size fits all formula for development success and that developing countries must take the lead in designing and implementing development strategies tailored to their individual need and circumstances†. The topic of whether democracy and autocracy is more appropriate for growth has received a lot of attention lately. This paper will examine five papers as examples of the current state of knowledge. Wilkin (2011) provides several definitions of good governance that he use in his paper. The World Bank defines governance is the process and institutions through which  decisions are made and authority in a country is exercised. Wilkin uses the governance metric offered by the Worldwide Governance Indicators Project. The indicators are grouped into six categories that are a useful guide to the dimensions of governance quality as it is generally conceived: (1) voice and accountability (2) political stability and absence of violent, (3) government effectiveness, (4) regulatory quality, (5) rule of law and (6) control of corruption. According to this metric, Wilkin point out that China continues to perform poorly on most of these indicators, ranking near or below the 50th percentile of countries assessed, while nonetheless achieving one of the fastest income growth rates of any country in the world. The reason that oligarchies in these countries can be beneficial to development is that they produce consistent policy choices. There are many developing countries that have achieved brief spurts of rapid per capita income growth – in fact, Wilkin specifies that, more than 130 countries have experienced annual per capita income growth of 6% or more for five or more of the years between 1950 and 2007. The challenge is not to achieve growth of 6% or more for a few years, which is unremarkable, but to do so for decades. This produces exponential rates of development, doubling the population’s average income roughly every 12 years. To attain this kind of consistency, oligarchy or authoritarian governance is useful and highly effective. Rodan and Jayasuriya (2009) focus their paper on the transition process and how capitalism developed in several Asian countries. They compare several regimes types across Southeast Asia and how the transition affect economic performance. The authors argue that a transition in Singapore from â€Å"competitive authoritarianism† to a more genuinely competitive political system requires a transformation in the political economy that suppresses bases for independent political organization. Meanwhile, political parties in post-authoritarian regimes in Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia do not operate quite as their counterparts historically have in earlier industrializing countries – not simply because of deficient institutions but because of the structural constraints on labor, social justice groups and other actors in civil society. Chin-en Wu (2012) raise the question of â€Å"whether democracy or autocracy is better for economic performance?† By incorporating both institutional  factors and structural incentives into his model, he find that the relative strength of political regimes in steering economic development is conditional on structural factors, which exert greater influence in autocracies than in democracies. For instance, when confronting external challenges, increasing national wealth becomes the most effective way for authoritarian leaders to reduce survival risk. Development provides incumbent governments with sufficient financial resources, which can finance the states apparatuses, including the bureaucracy and coercive forces such as the military and police. Failure to cope with external threats could result in seceding territories and damaging domestic support, both increasing the probability of losing power. Given the unfavorable structural condition, i.e., low levels of external threats of abundant resources wealth, dictators have weak incentives to implement growth-supporting policies. In a democracies, by contrast, the presences of democratic institutions induces political leaders to deliver public goods and partially substitute the role of structural factors. Conversely, where structural factors are conducive to growth, democracies do not necessarily outperform autocracies and may even grow at a slower rate because the flaw that are inherent in this system. Folch (2007) wrote a paper about the potential punishment under dictatorship. This paper explores whether the probability of being punished after losing power leads dictator to restrain their level of predation and, thus, increase economic growth. Holding dictators accountable is a difficulty problem, but under certain circumstances it might well improve their policy choices. Folch prove that dictators’ post tenure fate plays a key role in determining their level of graft and, hence, their economic performance. The logic Folch provide is quite simple, if dictators expect that after losing or giving up power they will be able to enjoy their booty in pleasant exile or in their own countries, their level of rent-extraction will be higher and this will lead growth rate to shrink. On the contrary, if the probability of being punished is high enough, dictators will constrain their greed and economic performance will improve. To confirm his theory, the author employ a simple model of predatory rule, and the consequences of increasing probability of punishment after losing power is explored. The  probability of punishment is proven to have a positive and significant effect on the rate of growth of GDP and alternative specification of growth regressions. Pitlik’s paper (2008) put an emphasis on the impact of growth performance on economic policy liberalization. He rejects the benefit of authoritarian regimes. In his paper, he investigates empirically the interaction between economic growth performance and political institutions in producing free-market reform. Using the data of up to 120 countries over the period of 1970-2004, Pitlik shows that political regime types systematically shape government policy responses to economic growth performance. In line with several other contributions, the author finds that democratic rule is favorable for reform in general. Contrary to conventional wisdom, he argues Economic policy reform is a conflict-ridden political process. Policies beneficial for society as a whole are often not implemented due to a fierce opposition from politically powerful prospective losers from reforms. In this respect, it is often claimed that a very poor economic performance can help overcome resistance to economic policy liberalization. Furthermore, political authorities not constrained by democratic checks and balances are often supposed to be more decisive and thus expected to carry out market-friendly policy change in times of crises more easily. Later, Pitlik concludes that there is no need for autocratic rule to implement economic policy reform in times of crises. Democracies not only carry out more liberal economic policies in general, but they are also more responsive to economic growth crises. Barro (1996) did a throughout research on determinate of growth in his paper. First variable he analyzed is the convergence of economies. He pointed out that, based on the neoclassical growth model developed by Ramsey (1928), Solow (1956), Swan (1956), Cass (1965) the lower the starting level of real per capita gross domestic product (GDP) the higher is the predicted growth rate. That is, if all economies were intrinsically the same, except for their starting capital intensities, then convergence could apply in an absolute sense; in other words, poor countries would tend to grow faster per capita than rich ones. However, if economies differ in various respects –  including propensities to save and have children, willingness to work, access to technologies, and government policies- then the convergence force applies only in a conditional sense. He conclude that, the growth rate should be higher if the starting per capita GDP is low in relation to is long-run or steady-state p osition; that is, if an economy begins far below its own target positon. He gives an example of a poor country that also has a low steady-state position – possibly because its public policies are harmful or its saving rate is low- would not tend to grow rapidly. Barro also made a very important contribution in analyzing the interplay between economic and political development. He shares the same idea with Friedman (1962) that the two â€Å"political freedom and economic freedom are mutually reinforcing†. Though, he stressed on the growth retarding aspects of democracy: The tendency to enact rich-to-poor redistributions of income. Authoritarian regimes may partially avoid these drawbacks of democracy. Moreover, nothing in principle prevents non-democratic governments from maintaining economic freedom and private property rights. A dictator does not have to engage in central planning, he said. Some examples of autocracies that have expanded economic freedoms include the Pinochet government of Chile, the Fujimore administration in Peru, the Shah’s regime in Iran and several current governments in East Asia. Schwarz (1992) observed that most OECD countries began their modern economic development in system with limited political rights and became full-fledged representative democracies only much later. Barro concludes that an increase in political rights tends to enhance growth and investment because the benefit from limitations on governmental power is the key matter. But in places that have already achieved a moderate amount of democracy, a further increase in political rights impairs growth and investment because the dominant effect comes from the intensified concern with income redistribution. Lipset (1959)’s paper focuses on the relationship between propensity and democracy. He apparently prefers to view it as the Aristotle hypothesis: â€Å"From Aristotle down to the present, men have argued that only in a wealthy society in which relatively few citizens lived in real poverty could a situation exist in which the mass of the population could intelligently participate in politics and could develop the self-restraint necessary to  avoid succumbing to the appeals of irresponsible demagogues†. Lipset emphasized increased education and an enlarged middle class as elements that expand â€Å"receptivity to democratic political tolerance norms†. Therefore, he conclude that for a country to maintain democracy regime, it is necessary to attain a certain level of education and prosperity. Otherwise, forcing democracy without its prerequisite would lead to reduction in growth rate and political instability. Cheibub (1998) also studies the relationship between political regimes and particular aspect of economic performance. Specifically, it addresses the question of whether regime type, classified as democracy or dictatorship, has a causal impact on the extractive capacity of government, as measured by the level of taxes it collects. The findings reported in his paper are unambiguous: there are no grounds for believing that democracies are less capable of collecting taxes than dictatorships. Although taxes are higher in democracies than in dictatorship, we should not infer that this is due to any inherent feature of democratic regimes. Once we control for the conditions that make us observe countries as one regime type or the other, and conjure up counterfactuals in which countries experiences conditions that are identical in every respect except for their political regime, we observe that the difference in level of taxes between the two regimes disappears. It is not that the two regimes do not matter for taxation. Even though taxation under democracies and dictatorships is influenced by broadly similar factors, there are also notable differences from one regime to the other. Per capita income, however, affects taxation only in democracies, whereas the pressure of servicing foreign debts only affects the level of taxes in dictatorships. Therefore, although there are factors that influence differently the level of taxes collected by the government in each regime, regime type does not affect the overall level of taxation. Democracies are not any less capable than dictatorship of extracting taxes from society.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Microbiology: Bacteria and Fresh Yogurt Slide

Bacterial Morphology Demonica Britt Microbiology DL1 March 23, 2013 Abstract This lab was performed to identify and familiarize with a microscope while precisely observing various bacterial shapes and their arrangements in different types of specimens of bacteria. The microscope parts and capabilities were clearly identified and used successfully and the bacteria were clearly illustrated showing the bacterial shapes and arrangements with all the appropriate magnification being utilized.Through various magnifications using 10x, 40x and 100x oil immersion lenses, the bacteria specimens, along with fresh and prepared yogurt, demonstrated full visual optical views of their shapes and how the different types were displayed at different levels of magnification. Purpose The purpose of the experiment was to gain full knowledge and experience of operating a microscope while being able to successfully visualize different types of bacterial and yogurt specimen’s shapes and arrangements u sing several magnification techniques by way of 10x, 40x,100x oil immersion lenses and a light source.The main purpose was to observe the shapes and arrangements of microbial bacteria and yogurt. Procedure The lab involved self-provided and labpaq materials to perform several exercises to obtain the purpose of the lab. The lab began with the proper identification of all components of the microscope and their functions. This allowed for preparation of the objective of being able to view specimens at various magnification levels and recognizing their different shapes and how they are arranged contingent upon those identified within the lab itself and the microbiology textbook.Several different slides were observed under 10x and 40x lens magnification: Paramecium conjugation, Yeast, Amoeba Proteus, Ascaris eggs, Anabaena, and Penicillium. This allowed vivid illustrations of the specimens notating their shapes and how they are arranged. The bacteria were observed through the eyepiece at the appropriate focus, resolution, and contrast for maximum visibility. The next part of the lab exercise was observance under an 100x oil immersion lens for more prepared slides: Bacteria Coccus form, Bacteria spirillum, and Bacteria Bacillus form while still maintaining to observe the shapes and arrangements.Additionally, the fresh yogurt slide that was sitting for 24 hours in a dark, warm location was obtained for the next part of the lab experiment. The fresh yogurt slide was prepared by using a toothpick to place a small amount onto a fresh, clean slide with a slide cover placed on top. This was observed for comparison to the prepared yogurt slide included in the lab for any variations in forms. Upon completion of performing the lab, the prepared slides were safely put away, fresh slide washed carefully, fresh yogurt specimen safely discarded, and the microscope cleaned and returned to be stored with the protective cover.Data/Observations – (Data Tables & Photos of Labe led Pics & Observations) The bacteria slides clearly displayed the various types of bacteria shapes and showed how each follow a specified arrangement. Under the lowest magnification the object is relatively smaller and not as easy to see the full format. Whereas the higher the magnification, the bigger and more enhanced the view of the bacteria becomes making the shapes and arrangements relatively obvious. It appeared to become clearer the bigger the object projected to my eye.It became life size in a sense where as it was an image that could be clearly defined, described and duplicated if necessary. The fresh yogurt slide that was set for 24 hours was a more enhanced feature for observing bacteria in yogurt. Its view was very detailed and its shape more recognizable. While the prepared yogurt slide was a more faint view and the color appearing duller. It was visible to me that bacteria in yogurt was more spherical in shape, cocci. Results A. What are the advantages of using bleach as a disinfectant? The disadvantages? The advantages of using 70% alcohol?The disadvantages? Bleach is a common household disinfectant that kills 99. 9 percent of germs whereas others cannot approach this effectiveness. It can be used to sanitize. It can be a disadvantage as it can be inactivated by presence of an organic matter and it has a strong odor and it has a short life in the liquid form that can be sensitive to heat and sunlight. The advantages of using 70% bleach is that it can be capable of killing most bacteria which is safe for skin contact and it prevents dehydration and the alcohol part of it affect the cells in various ways.Some disadvantages are that they are hazardous which contain compounds that are not safe and toxic to human form. B. List three reasons why you might choose to stain a particular slide rather than view it as a wet mount. C. Define the following terms: Chromophore: Acidic Dye: Basic Dye: D. What is the difference between direct and indirect staini ng? E. What is heat fixing? F. Why is it necessary to ensure that your specimens are completely air dried prior to heat fixing? G.Describe what you observed in your plaque smear wet mount, direct stained slide, and indirectly stained slide. What were the similarities? What were the differences? H. Describe what you observed in your cheek smear wet mount, direct stained slide, and indirectly stained slide. What were the similarities? What were the differences? I. Describe what you observed in your yeast wet mount, direct stained slide, and indirectly stained slide. What were the similarities? What were the differences? J. Were the cell types the same in all three specimen sets:Â   yeast, laque, and cheek? How were they similar? How were they different? Conclusion/Discussion Upon performing and completing the experiment I learned that the microscope is a very delicate tool that allows the capability of viewing specimens too small for the human eye. With adjusting the focus, contrast, and resolution, the bacteria become more visible to the eye. On top of that, viewing the specifications at different magnifications the bacteria shapes and arrangements become more present within the specimen.Bacteria comes in different forms and shapes and just by arrangement alone, they can be classified morphologically. It was also visual that there are differences in a fresh slide containing bacteria compared with a slide already prepared. I did not expect to see the differences so vividly displayed, but after using the microscope it was determined that anything not visible to the naked eye still has the capability to be seen and the microscope is the perfect tool to use to be able to do so.

Monday, July 29, 2019

This is a OH&S and Risk Management subject. The assignment brief will

This is a OH&S and Risk Management subject. The brief will be send by file .pdf - Assignment Example This report includes a detailed description of the location and activities of the venue. It also identifies the pertinent legal requirement connected with the jurisdiction. Additionally, it asserts the macro, micro and management of risk context. The second section identifies analyses and evaluates risk connected with the trip (Hopkin, 2010). The risks are analyzed in terms of their location, people and physical environment. Subsequently, the report describes the risk control which includes the management level policy and guidelines needed to manage the risks utilizing options of risk treatment. This includes the prevention, risk reduction, removing and avoiding risk source. 1 2 Risk Context Statement The process outlines the risks that, in case an emergency occurs, would constitute a coordinated and significant response within the outlined procedures and guidelines. It contains the detailed activity and location description, relevant legal needs and the management context of macro, micro and risk (Risk management 2009). 2.1 Activity and Location Sydney Marathon will take place on Sunday 22nd September 2013. The participants will run for 42.195Km The event will start at 7:25am for wheelchairs and 7:30am for normal people. The start line cut off will be 7:40 am. For slower walkers, runners or joggers I will be crucial to be in their right group. The groups will be seeded in reference to their expected finish line. The final start group comprises of all the wheelchairs and Prams. The timing will not be interfered because the timing will record starting time and finishing time. This will allow the group to enjoy the event at their own pace and offer the best possible outcome. Various drink stations will be set up providing services such as water, toilet, elite drinks, GU, and Powerade. The marathon will be held at the Sydney International Regatta Centre. The marathon will celebrate the great outdoors, healthy lifestyle , and active communities. The marathon will c onsist of marathon, half-marathon. Family Fun Run and Lap the Lake. 2.2 Legal Requirements Sydney marathon has legal requirements in terms of age and distance of participation. The minimum age of the participants either 16 or 18 years of age. There will also be underage children ( those under 16 years). It is therefore recommended for the children to wait until they attain the required age. Although it is quite unknown on the implication of marathon to underage, the experts have recommended them waiting until they attain puberty. Most doctors recommend children to avoid long distance because of trauma and can lead to bone doings. When someone trains for a marathon, it is normally tough mentally and physically, exhausting and time consuming. Therefore, underage it is highly possible to affect someones priorities such as education. Before someone embarks on the long distance/marathon, it is suggested top run 10ks or even 4ks. Therefore, completing the race would be a major boost (Crou hy ,Galai & Mark, 2000). 3 Ages The age categories scheduled to attend the trip are limitless. Those under the age of 18years need the consent of their parents to attend the trip. The age categories scheduled for the trip will be grouped as 18-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 70-74, and 75+. The trip will offer the fitness device to those people falling

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Official Development Assistance and Poverty Reduction Essay

Official Development Assistance and Poverty Reduction - Essay Example The Reality of Aid Report (2010:9) though note that the manner in which these agreements are implemented is too technical to actually transform the manner in which aid is governed to actually make it more effective and relevant to the poor for whom it is aimed. It shows that the agreements have not changed the reality of aid relationships since what is actually practised are technical aspects related to aid management rather than a focus on development policy making. The report concludes that even though reforms in aid effectiveness have delivered some benefits, they have not made considerable difference in how aid is viewed or to the extent to which it empowers or improves the lives of those who need it most (pp.25). From ODA’s definition, its key objective is to promote â€Å"economic development and welfare of developing countries† (OECD, 2008:1). Such development such developing healthcare facilities, educational facilities or even infrastructural development is oft en aimed at reducing poverty levels experienced by these countries as it increases the capacity of the countries to earn a decent living and to live in healthy states. In essence therefore one may relate poverty reduction as the key objective of ODA. So if ODA is not able to effectively meet its objectives as noted by the rise in poverty over a twenty year period as shown, then should aid be counted as official development assistance even if it does not reduce poverty levels? This paper argues that nothing should be counted as official development Assistance until it has been proven to reduce poverty. Official Development Assistance (ODA) ODA is defined as aid flows from donor countries of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list to countries eligible for such aid found on the DAC... From this essay it is clear that from ODA’s definition, its key objective is to promote â€Å"economic development and welfare of developing countries†. Such development such developing healthcare facilities, educational facilities or even infrastructural development is often aimed at reducing poverty levels experienced by these countries as it increases the capacity of the countries to earn a decent living and to live in healthy states. In essence therefore one may relate poverty reduction as the key objective of ODA. So if ODA is not able to effectively meet its objectives as noted by the rise in poverty over a twenty year period as shown, then should aid be counted as official development assistance even if it does not reduce poverty levels? This paper argues that nothing should be counted as official development Assistance until it has been proven to reduce poverty.This discussion highlights that  ODA is defined as aid flows from donor countries of the OECD Develo pment Assistance Committee (DAC) list to countries eligible for such aid found on the DAC list, these aid must first and fore most be given by official agencies or countries to the other countries or official institutions within the country where each aid is given with the core purpose of promotion welfare and development in the developing countries.  The area of focus of the definition in this paper is on the main objective of ODA whose purpose is to increase development and reduce poverty levels.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

World philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

World philosophy - Essay Example My beliefs were supported with my experiences with the cognitive world, and with the aid of a rich imagination, I was able to attach the like elements to those that I do not personally experience. Just as it is with the Indians who believe in the truth that the sun lives in the earth, their culture caters to the idea that all things in the Indian world are connected to each other, in â€Å"profound unity,† may it be inanimate or animate, life is believed to exist in the essence of these things (Momaday, 190). With the sun, the Indians have attached to it a nature that can almost be human by virtue for its behavior in the heavens with which they can somehow relate to. As Momaday writes, â€Å"the sun-watcher among the Rio Grande Pueblos, whose sacred task it is to observe, each day, the very point of the sun’s emergence on the skyline, knows in the depths of his being that the sun is alive and that it is indivisible with the earth, and he refers to the farthest eastern mesa as â€Å"the sun’s house† (190), the sun-watcher courts the sun which is like a maiden being wooed, and the sun being that character is expected to go homeward. They see this oc currence as a fact because the sun undergoes changes just as a person would, and appears to move across the heavens as would a traveler, and these the Indians bear witness. They take into account what they perceive as simply as what their sight would lead them to understand. For what could be more factual than to actually experience first hand through their own senses the mechanism of that was around them. Alongside the Indians’ reverence to a â€Å"living† sun is their different perception of a timeframe. And this diverse concept of time, which is quite departed from our Western Industrialized concept of time, retains an element of preservation of moments. And perhaps this is much better, speaking about respecting

Social network marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social network marketing - Research Paper Example A good communication network can give an organization an upper hand in the advertisement sector; this can either be marketing or conveying urgent information to the public. In an education institution for example, it is very useful in educating people, a good communication network can be used efficiently in conveying information to the students. It attracts even those people who are not even directly involved in the institution hence it reaches out to a large area network. In the past the means of communication were not so advanced and it took long to convey information to a wide area network, this, however has changed over time and the communication network is getting more and more efficient such that you can reach anyone you like , anywhere and with very minimal time (Bosari, J. 2012, pp 53). The social media has been the core of communication in this era, hence for an institution it is very recommendable that there is a social media means of conveying information to the members an d public. Social media is the best tool for marketing available to the people right now, communication is simplified, and there are minimal delays. However for one to come up with an efficient social networking site it takes a lot of dedication and patience, it is not built in a day and one has to work hard to make their social network site efficient in the field. Social media marketing is a branch of internet marketing that entail the use of the internet to reach out to other people. Social network marketing therefore is a fundamental tool for an organization aiming to maximize on their marketing chances. Social media networking is open to many different form of communication, this include; the use of video calls, audio or voice messages, and written messages. This is possible when using social sites to convey information (Cambia, E. Et Al. 2011, pp 59). It goes without doubt that social media networking is the most efficient method for educational institutional marketing, in addit ion to the many advantages of social media; it also gives the liberty to navigate through different links and access more information from the internet. It can be used as a way of uniting other communication networks. The advantages of social media marketing are almost limitless; this mode of communication gives room for even very small corporate or business entities to, market their products without any form of victimization so long as they have an effective social media account, one that can be easily accessed by many individuals. Engaging in online conversations is a very effective way of using the social media to convey information to individuals (Deis, H. & Kyle, H. 2010, pp 87). One could also use the social media to combine it with other promotional brands to better their products; it gives room for research on the products and gain extra information on the marketing strategies. This is done in an entertaining and more interactive way such that you have direct access to your target audience. It is like having a personal conversation, but from very different geographical positions. Having online conversations is the most effective way of having a basis for a better background in making a reliable social site. It helps one to gain the confidence of other institutions such that they can give you access to some of their internet products hence expands the range of potential contacts and audiences. Social media network is no longer a trend, it is a necessity in the marketing industry and a must have for every serious institution. Research has it that more than 94% of all institutions in the world use social media network as their preferred marketing option. social media not only

Friday, July 26, 2019

Dravid Luis and His Oppinions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Dravid Luis and His Oppinions - Essay Example According to the paper the number of estimates that he has obtained seems to be a little low considering that worth of the equipment that is being evaluated amounts to millions of dollars. Or he can consult another accountant regarding alternative options that may be offered to Jimmy Westfield to settle their difference in evaluating the worth of the equipment. As the discussion stresses utilitarianism is basically the greatest happiness principle which holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness or pleasure and wrong if they tend to produce pain. Â  However, it is important to note that there are two kinds of utilitarianism- act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism. In act utilitarianism the consequence of the act should produce the greatest happiness to the greatest number of people while rule utilitarianism means that we should act so that the rules governing our action produce the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. With utilitarianism as the ethical framework, we now analyze Dravid Luis’ going along with Jimmy Westfield’s desire to record the equipment at net realizable value.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Environmental Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Environmental Ethics - Essay Example Additionally, Aristotle observes that ethical living calls for application of wisdom that depends upon the situation at hand rather than the mere application of the set laws. He referred to this kind of as practical wisdom or prudence which is different from the theoretical wisdom(Kamtekar, 2004). On the contrary, Friedrich Nietzsche looks at ethics as untenable phenomenon. Nietzsche argues that ethics is deleterious and can just be relevant in the case of the highest types of human beings (Katsafanas, 2011). This is because ethics requires a high degree of consequentialist perfectionism of good. One thing to note however is that Nietzsche is a not a critic of morality in totality. He for example agrees with the notion of a higher morality that informs the living of higher men both of which he attacks and praises. Nietzsche offers an analysis of the existing values in a way that appeals to some morality of some kind. Nietzsche advocates for similarity of all people, free will and transparency(Katsafanas, 2011). However, Nietzsche argues for the harm of the highest men while advancing the interests of the lowest men. Further, Charles Darwin brings about the concept of evolutionary ethics which has two broad perspectives of normative ethics and descriptive ethics. Regarding descriptive ethics, it consists of biological ethical approaches anchored upon the role of evolution in determining human behaviour and psychology. Darwinism ethics is based on the scientific aspects of ethology, socio-biology and psychology with a focus on explaining and understanding preferences of ethics or choices (Lillehammer, 2010). On the other hand, normative ethics of evolution depicts a more independent attempt to singlehandedly use evolution to justify ethics in a society. Descriptive evolutionary ethics delve on the beliefs and moral attitudes. The ethical underpinnings discussed on this ethical

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Journal 6 - World Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Journal 6 - World Literature - Essay Example They fought with each other to death and this incidence amused the spectators and same incidence was repeated after many years, the passengers of the boat amused themselves by throwing the coins on natives and when the writer requested the lady who started it to stop, her response was, â€Å"I love charity.† The Carbide Tower, which rises in the middle of Buna and whose top is rarely visible in the fog, was built by us. Its bricks were called Ziegel, briques, tegula, cegli, kamenny, mattoni, teglak, and they were cemented by hate; hate and discord, like the Tower of Babel, and it is this that we call it: —Babelturm, Bobelturm; and in it we hate the insane dream of grandeur of our masters, their contempt for God and men, for us men. Is the expression from the memoir A Good day. The tower of hate was built by the captives and it was an insane dream of their masters. And presently that building stands as a curse of divine and Germens also feel that. At sunset, the siren of the Feierabend   sounds, the end of work; and as we are all satiated, at least for a few hours, no quarrels arise, we feel good, the Kapo feels no urge to hit us, and we are able to think of our mothers and wives, which usually does not happen. For a few hours we can be unhappy in the manner of free men. This extract also explains the plight of the workers in the camp. It is the day when they have a stomach full. There is a certain change in everyone’s attitude. Everyone is satisfied and there is no grumbling and fights that arise due to empty or half full stomachs and in fact their leader doesn’t feel any urge to hit them. The irony is when the stomach is full the near and dear one’s are remembered. The above three examples from the Memoirs relate how effectively they take the readers into flash back and evoke the images as they have happened just before the reader’s eyes. As both these memoirs are the survivor type in nature they are able to capture writers struggle and sufferings. It does not just appear before the reader as a fiction but with a personal reconstruction and impact. 3. Destruction was caused or perpetrated by individuals who neither felt nor expressed any remorse for their actions; one of the leaders that fall in this list is Saddam Hussein. He was born on 28 April 1937 in the village of al-Awja, near Tikrit, on the Tigris River in northwest Iraq, into a landless but influential Sunni family. He was a member of the al-Khatab clan. Saddam later fabricated his genealogy to claim direct descent from the Prophet Mohammed. He had a battered childhood as his father abandoned his mother when she was pregnant with him and he was brought up in the custody of his maternal uncle as his mother remarried. With such emotionless up bringing Saddam never felt remorse for

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Human resource management - Essay Example An independent analysis of the online recruitment models at Price Waterhouse Coopers, Marks and Spencer and Barclay’s was conducted to determine whether these models are properly aligned to gain the best talent required. Marks and Spencer significantly emphasises the corporate culture that resides at the firm as a means of differentiating the business from competing retail recruiters. The website is constructed for extreme ease of navigation through the various informational pages, providing clear and distinct weblinks to explore the many diverse values portrayed by the organisation. On the â€Å"Our Values† page, Marks and Spencer clearly lists the core foundation of culture, including elements of trust, innovation, commitment, and quality of service (Marks and Spencer 2012). From this page, the candidate is able to navigate easily to learn of the many benefits of gaining employment with the firm, including employee discounts, receipt of bonus scheme outcomes, and pens ion opportunities for long-term reward (Marks and Spencer 2012). In every detail, this organisation wants the candidate to understand the dynamics of business operations and human resources philosophy at the organisation, providing ample information on leadership at the firm and the strong emphasis on diversity prevalent in this business model. No proverbial stone is left unturned in relation to providing comprehension of organisational culture and business mission and vision to assist the candidate in determining whether they would be a proper fit for this business model. The image portrayed by Marks and Spencer is one of leadership-based competence and one in which candidates should expect human resources models to contain much emphasis on social belonging and professional development. An independent candidate that prefers individualism rather than collective work groups, after assessing the sizeable basket of information about the company, might select a competitor with a more ce ntralised business model. However, the blend of knowledge portrayed on the corporate recruitment site leaves little to the imagination about what should be expected upon gaining employment. Barclays and Price Waterhouse Coopers take a different approach to the online recruitment process, with much less emphasis on transformational leadership and cultural development. As both of these companies operate in the financial sector, in generally centralised hierarchies, the content of these two recruitment websites are more professional-centric describing values associated with meeting strategic corporate goals rather than focusing on the interpersonal dynamic of inter-office relationship development. Offers Price Waterhouse Coopers, â€Å"Our culture is all about our people. The development of our people is key and though we are all driven by different aspirations, we share the same commitment to quality† ( 2012, p.1). Price Waterhouse Coopers attempts to illustrate that h ard work is the cornerstone of meeting service needs and achieving long-term goals with much less emphasis on the psycho-social dynamic of employment. Though the website is easy to navigate with ample weblinks leading to job-related information, the focus of recruitment is navigation through many web pages describing domestic and international career positions with well-developed and thorough job descriptions. Barclay’s, as well, places much less emphasis on the dynamics of existing organisational cu

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ethical Consumption of Cell Phones Essay Example for Free

Ethical Consumption of Cell Phones Essay 1. INTRODUCTION In just 30 years, mobile telephony has grown into a major global industry, with an estimated 5 billion users around the world, compared with a total world population of around 7 billion people. While new subscriber growth has slowed somewhat in recent years, product turnover remains high, with over 1 billion new mobile phones shipped in 2009 alone. This paper firstly examines the life cycle of a cell phone, describing its stages from the extraction of the materials to its disposal or re-usage possibilities. It also discussed the ethical issues that impact the environment and society. Lastly, two cell phone manufactures (Apple and Nokia) are being compared in terms of how they deal with environmental impacts. 2. LIFE CYCLE OF A CELL PHONE Stage One: Extraction of Materials Mobile phones generally comprise approximately 40% metals and 40% plastics, with the remainder made up of glass, ceramic and other miscellaneous materials. The parts of a cell phone include the circuit board, the liquid crystal display (LCD) and the rechargeable battery. The circuit board, which controls all of the phones functions, consists of copper, gold, silver, lead, nickel, tin, coltan, and zinc. The LCD, which is a flat-panel display where all the information and images appear, is made of glass or plastic. Batteries power the cell phone and, depending on the type of battery, may contain nickel, cobalt, zinc, cadmium and copper. Many of these materials are so called persistent toxins† that remain in the environment for a long period of time, even after disposal. Furthermore, an important life cycle consideration is the energy required to extract metals from their respective ores. From an energy perspective, precious metals gold and silve r and exceed the impact of copper. In addition, the energy content of glass also has a significant energy footprint, due to the high melt temperatures that are required during manufacturing. Stage Two: Materials Processing Raw materials that go into making cell phones must first be processed before manufacturers can use them. For example, to make the plastic casing, crude oil needs to be combined with natural gas and chemicals. The copper used to make the circuit board and batteries has to be mined from the ground, heated and treated with chemicals and electricity before it can be formed into wires and sheets. Stage Three: Manufacturing The individual parts of a cell phone each go through a manufacturing process. The circuit board is shaped using plastics and fibreglass and then coated with gold plating. The circuits and wires of the circuit board are soldered, glued and coated. The LCD is made with liquid crystals layered between glass or plastic. These layers include two polarized panels, with a liquid crystal solution between them. Light is projected through the layer of liquid crystals and is colorized, which produces the visible image. Batteries have two electrodes (both made from a different metal) and each electrode is touched by a liquid material called electrolytes. When an outlet or another outside electrical source is applied, a chemical reaction between the electrodes and the electrolytes causes an electric current to flow and powers the battery. Stage Four: Packaging and Transportation The transportation process and packaging of cell phones is seen as harmful to the environment. Transporting cell phones for distribution requires the use of fossil fuels for energy, which can contribute to global climate change. While packaging protects products from damage, identifies contents, and provides information, excessive or decorative packaging contributes to the waste that we produce. Packaging consumes valuable natural resources, such as paper (from trees), plastic (from crude oil in the earth), aluminium (from ore), or other materials, all of which use energy to produce and can result in waste. Some packaging, however, can be made from recycled materials. Stage Five: Useful Life You can extend the use of your cell phone by taking good care of it as in protecting it from damage by storing it in a case, avoiding dropping it, and keeping it out of extreme heat and cold and away from water and other liquids. However, the materials that are used to make cell phones can potentially damage the environment and harm people. Therefore, it is important to reuse, recycle or properly dispose cell phones. Reuse: Many organizations, including recyclers, charities, and electronics manufacturers, accept working cell phones and offer them to schools, community organizations, and individuals in need. Reuse gives people, who could not otherwise afford them, free or reduced cost access to new phones and this also extends the useful lifetime of a phone. Recycle: Nowadays, many stores, manufacturers, and recycling centres accept cell phones for recycling. Some cell phones can be fixed and sold as refurbished phones, or parts can be used to fix phones. Some rechargeable batteries can also be recycled, as this way the recovered materials can be used to make new batteries and stainless steel products. Disposal: However, about 40% of cell phones cant be sold as refurbished cell phones. These cell phones are shredded as well as smelted at a copper refiner. Many metals actually go back to their natural state. This process helps replenish some natural resources and it is called above ground mining. Still, many cell phones are simply thrown in the trash and end up in landfills (buried in the ground) or incinerators (burned). Because cell phones contain metals, plastics, chemicals, and other potentially hazardous substances, they should always be recycled or properly disposed. Phones that are thrown away waste energy and result in the loss of valuable resources. This figure shows the cell phone recycling rate from 2007 to 2010 in the United Stated. Even though sales were the highest in 2010, the recycling rate did not correspond to the sales. 3. ETHICAL ISSUES 1. Energy Conservation The quantity of mobile phone usage increases any environmental impact of this product. Life-cycle analysis conducted by the European Commission shows that energy consumption is the greatest impact, both during manufacture of components and during their usage. Nokia estimated that if 10% of worldwide subscribers would unplug their chargers once their phone is fully charged, the energy saved could to supply 60,000 European homes for one year. Issues like wastage of energy due to overcharging and or mobiles left unplugged even after being fully charged needs to be addressed more. 2. Exploitation Illegal Trading The material used in the manufacturing of the mobile phones is coltan, a heat resistant material found in the Republic of Congo. In the Coltan, mines there are children that have to work instead of going to school and many reputable companies buy this mineral. Companies have to resort to material provided by controversial circumstances. What is Coltan? Coltan, short for columbite-tantalite is a metallic ore comprising niobium and tantalum. The niobium-dominant mineral in coltan is columbite, and the tantalum-dominant mineral is tantalite. Niobium, whose leading producer in Brazil, is mostly found in the mineral pyrochlore whereas tantalum is extracted from the ore, tantalite and is created by smelting and tin mining in some places. Tantalum mineral is mainly mined in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Democratic Republic of Congo, China, Ethiopia, Mozambique and other central African countries. Coltan is important for manufacturing cell phones because it is in the capacitors that control current flow in the cell phones circuit board. When refined, coltan becomes a heat resistant powder, metallic tantalum which has unique properties for storing electrical charge. Mining Coltan In the Coltan is mined by hand in the Congo by groups of men digging basins in streams by scrapping off the surface mud. They then slosh the water around the crater, which causes the Coltan ore to settle at the bottom of the crater where it is retrieved by the miners. A team can mine one kilo of Coltan per day. Most of these miners are children which are subjected to extreme conditions. Therefore, awareness has to be brought to these terrible working conditions by which these child workers are affected. Coltan financing war A recent report by the UN has claimed that all the parties involved in the local civil war have been involved in the mining and sale of Coltan. One report suggested that the neighbouring Rwandan army made US$250 million from selling Coltan in less than 18 months, despite there being no Coltan in Rwanda to mine. The military forces of Uganda and Burundi are also implicated in smuggling Coltan out of Congo for resale in Belgium. A report to the United Nations Security Council has called for a moratorium on purchase and import of resources from the Democratic Republic of Congo, due to the ongoing civil war that has dragged in the surrounding countries. 3. Toxics Waste disposal Environmental Impact Persistent Bio accumulative toxins Persistent Bio accumulative toxins (PBTs) PBTs are particularly dangerous because they do not degrade over long periods of time, and can easily spread and move between air, water, and soil, resulting in the accumulation of toxins far from the original point source of pollution. Because PBTs accumulate in fatty issue of humans and animals, the toxins are gradually concentrated and are of great risk. Cell phone batteries Rechargeable batteries are rapidly changing as technological advances improve new power sources. Already 60% of rechargeable Batteries sold worldwide are used in cell phones. However, rechargeable currently have toxic constituents such as cadmium, as well as brominated flame-retardants. The total environmental impact from cell phone batteries depends on a batteries material composition as well as on the time cell phones are used before they are discarded. Therefore, many cell phone users replace their batteries at least once before retiring their phones Lead Lead is a highly poisonous metal affecting almost every organ and system in the body. It has been widely used in electronics as the primary method of attaching components to the printed wiring boards. Lead is a toxin to both humans and the environment. It is a common contaminant and can impact entire ecosystems. In humans, it affects the central nervous system, immune and vascular systems, kidneys, and the endocrine system, with serious effects on the development of children’s brains. Lead is also a possible carcinogen. It accumulates in the environment and has very high chronic and acute effects on microorganisms, plants, and animals. 4. Society In past few years, the boom in the usage of mobile phones has tremendously increased, a large percentage of which are children. With the advancement of technology with faster data rate and streaming videos, the youth has been given unlimited access to any contents on web. Restrictions should be established to prohibit children from accessing adult content. Also, mobile phones have been restricted to be used during driving as it has been one of the factors of road accidents. 4. COMPANY COMPARISON: APLLE vs. NOKIA How do these companies deal with environmental impacts? This part of the paper compared two companies in the cellular industry, Apple and Nokia, and how these firms deal with environmental impacts. Although Apple is not entirely a mobile devices producer, its only mobile phone, the iPhone, is very popular and widely sold. Nokia is a well known mobile devices producer, which was dominating the industry for a very long time. However, in past couple years they have faced tremendous difficulties catching up with the technological changes, and did not produce a smart phone in time. Despite their rapid losses in revenues, they still operate in this market, and one of their latest smart phones, the LUMIA 800, is very similar to the iPhone 4S. Both phones have similar hardware preferences and are comprised of similar materials. Now lets take a look at which company is better off when it comes to sustainable business. Apple iPhone 4S Apple generally says that their products are brominated flame retardant free, PVC free, mercury free, and that the glass they use is arsenic free. All of these factors conclude in a positive result for Apple. Also, the iPhone releases a minimum of CO2 -gases. In fact, it releases only 1.2g of CO2-gases per hour, whereas a light bulb produces 48.4g per hour. This performance is due to the LED screen, as LED produces the least CO2 of all light sources. Furthermore, Apple has reduced the size of their packages of iPhones by 42%, which not only rapidly reduces the amount of materials necessary, but they can also ship 80% more boxes in each airline shipping container. That saves one 747 flight for every 371,250 units they ship. If you count in the amounts of fuel that is saved and add every aspect of this change together, it is clear that Apples Environmental Management is doing incredibly well. Their whole portfolio regarding environment is a perfect marketing strategy. They claim that all of their products are fully recyclable. This also includes the power conservation, which in this case is a Lithium-Ion battery. This battery is efficient and long lasting, which eliminated the necessity to replace the battery often. Despite this, there is no way the battery can be removed from the phone without unscrewing the body of the phone, for which you need ultra thin screw drivers. Therefore, nobody can actually recycle these batteries themselves, unless they return it to Apple or give their phones to a recycling company. Despite all of these positive factors, Apple still operates this business using very irrational sales policies. They replace their products with twice as strong hardware every year and adapt the software to the new hardware, which makes the old products very slow and ultimately unable to use. This forces the customers to always buy the newest models, which eventually produces a lot of waste. Nokia LUMIA 800 Although Nokia now has very strong environmental reporting, this whole process started only after the crisis the company went through. Despite this, the LUMIA 800 proves to be a very sustainable product. In Nokias reports, it is stated that the phone is BFR-free and PVC-free. The company also states that this phone produces 16kg of CO2 emissions per constant 3 years of usage. Equally divided this yields 0.6g per hour of use, however this is not very reliable because it depends on the way these emissions are measured. When it comes to packaging, Nokia still uses the big boxes. After almost 15 years, they still use the same size of the boxes loaded with papers which contribute to a large amount of material waste. All in all, both companies provide very detailed information about their business ethics, and both rank positively. Apple as well as Nokia lay a great emphasis on improving the environmental aspects of their products and processes in each phase of the product life cycle, from raw material acquisition till the end of the product’s useful life. Both companies state to have reduced their carbon footprint, while introducing new features and constantly improving their products. To conclude, it cannot be said which company performs better as each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Taking all the above mentioned points into consideration, this paper aims to highlight the ethical issues of mobile phones. When buying a cell phone, most consumers do not even think about what impacts their choice can have on the environment; the same applies to the disposal after the end of life. There are estimated 5 billion cell phone users which should be made more aware of the potential hazards of mobiles. They can cause environmental and health issues, causing CO2-emissions which increase the carbon footprint. Therefore, in conclusion, the choice which cell phone to buy should not only be based on cost and technical factors but also include environmental aspects.

The anti communist feelings Essay Example for Free

The anti communist feelings Essay I think Arthur Miller has been very successful in the character of Parris because although he doesnt actually cause any of the damage directly he still makes him a thoroughly unpleasant character and I think that the audience would feel the same. I personally feel sorry for Parris because he isnt a bad man hes just a pathetic one.  I think a scene which shows a lot of the worst behaviour is act three in the court. The obvious examples are from Abigail and the girls when they pretend to be bewitched by Mary who gets terrified at their act. Their reason for doing this is that Abigail is angry with Mary for betraying them and wants her to be accused of witchcraft so that she has no choice but to go back and join them. The audience I think would have particularly drawn into the scene because it is very tense and a lot of things happen. When Elizabeth lies for John and when John is arrested I think would have been parts that made the audience particularly angry with Abigail. Miller creates tension in this scene especially in the part where Mary is getting hysterical with the girls repeating every word Mary says and stamping their feet. This makes they play come alive and be more exciting for the audience. But in this act the climax of the tension is John Proctors hysterical speech; A fire, a fire is burning! I hear the boot of Lucifer, I see his filthy face! And it is my face, and yours, Danforth! For them that quail to bring men out of ignorance, as I have quailed, and as you quail now when you know in all your black hearts that this be fraud God damns our kind especially, and we will burn, we will burn together! and the stage direction of insane laughter makes even more exciting. The best of behaviour is shown from Act three onwards because the characters consciences catch up with them and they have to take responsibility for their actions. One of the best cases of this is in reverend Hale, when he arrives he seems intent on finding witchcraft; I mean to crush him utterly if he has shown his face!(When talking about the devil. Act 1) but as the play progresses Miller changes the characters views completely. He goes from the accuser to helping the accused lie and Miller does this so subtly that the audience dont feel uncomfortable about this change. In act two he is beginning to waver by going to see the Proctors even though hes not on official business. In act three he announces I denounce these proceedings, I quit this court! and in act four we hear the defining quote of this character; There is blood on my head! Can you not see the blood on my head? referring to the lives of innocent people he has taken and is now feeling the strain on his conscience. I think that the audience would probably feel that Hale is someone who just tries to do his best and would not feel the same animosity towards him as Parris. Another example of the best of human behaviour is in Rebecca Nurse. She is a small character but helps give the play depth because all of the characters lives are intertwined which makes the audience feel like the characters are more personal. Rebecca is one of the only consistent characters in The Crucible she never changes her mind or lies to save herself even when faced with extremely gruelling circumstances. She never compromises her conscience by signing a false confession neither does she turn in her friends. When asked to sign a confession she replies Why, it is a lie, it is a lie; how may I damn myself? I cannot, I cannot.(Act 4) I think the audience would have liked Rebecca because she is the sort of character who doesnt change so is someone you can get comfortable with. I myself found Rebecca to be the most responsible of all the characters in the play despite having a small part. Eventually Rebecca is hanged which I think the audience would have been shocked and angry because she is a pure soul. Another person in this situation was Giles Corey who like Rebecca chose to be crushed to death rather than get other people in trouble. The most obvious example of the best behaviour is found in John Proctor in both the third and the fourth Acts. Where Miller makes him the hero by letting him confess to his sins and become a martyr. Miller creates the hero character for Proctor by letting have one final emotion filled speech about being true to your conscience and despite his admittance of an affair with Abigail the audience would like him and feel sympathy for him. The emotion of this final scene is only really shown when it is performed because of the stage directions Miller gives is what really creates tension. At first after seeing Elizabeth he decides to confess in order to stay with his family but when he is asked to sign the confession he finally snaps and his conscience takes over. His defining speech of the whole play is this final one; Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given my soul; leave me my name! One of the other reasons he decides to die rather than sacrifice his morality is when he sees his friends go off to be hanged and their looks of surprise at seeing him lying. Another thing he says which also contributes to the decision was this; I have three children how may I teach them to walk like men in the world, and I sold my friends? this shows that he was thinking about how his family would feel if they knew he had lied. I personally found this scene the most emotionally draining of the entire play because you really get involved and start caring about the characters and I think that final speech is the best of the entire play. This essay has discussed many things that featured in The Crucible such as conscience and the way Arthur Miller made his characters either liked or disliked. All of the characters in this play were put under extreme pressure and in these situations the best scenes in the play arise. Overall I think that the best of human behaviour was presented more strongly than the worst because the characters that have the best behaviour are more strongly presented. But saying that Arthur Miller does successfully portray the worst of behaviour also because none of his characters are two-dimensional they all his separate lives which intertwine and so you feel for all of them even those who responsible for the deaths. In my introduction I aimed to show the parallels between puritan Salem and the anti communist feelings of right wing America. I have done so. The audience at both the time this was written and in the present day would find this play both emotionally challenging and exciting. The reaction to the last scene probably would have been tears, as I myself was close to tears when watching the film version. I also have achieved the link between the interrogation of Arthur Miller over his political beliefs and the witch hunts in Salem 1692, His reaction to the hysteria and how he wrote the play in protest to the somewhat ludicrous questioning of people in Salem.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Journeys Of Dante And St Augustine In Confessions Religion Essay

Journeys Of Dante And St Augustine In Confessions Religion Essay St. Augustine and Dante made a great contribution to the development of world cultures. The impact of these great leaders had a powerful force the next centuries. Comparing the spiritual journeys of Dante and St. Augustine in the Confessions, it is possible to mention that the poem The Divine Comedy is a real masterpiece of a famous Italian poet. Dante saw the other world and talked about his journey through hell. This poem embodies an allegorical vision of the afterlife, moral and religious thoughts with instructive purposes. Numerous tales of ghostly wanderings, visions of heaven and hell found its highest artistic expression in the Divine Comedy. Dante has made a system in a discordant mix of images. This system is inspired by the teachings of the church and the teachings of Aristotle and Cicero. Dantes guide through hell was a Roman poet Virgil, who being the voice of reason, instructed Dantes spiritual life and helped him to form a moral conscience, necessary for life in harmony with Gods will. In comparison, the Confession is a central literary work of St. Augustine. The name of this work entirely corresponds to its real content: a sinne r, opening his own soul to the readers, in the face of God and people repents of his sins and gives thanks to God for His mercy. During his life, Augustine traveled a lot, learning and perceiving the Orthodox faith. The contrast between the spiritual journeys of Dante and St. Augustine is that Augustines journey is more confessionary, but Dantes one is more psychological. St. Augustine and Dante as the lovers of beauty, both literary and physical, share the same need for its ransom. However, no one would state that beauty is harm or evil. The Divine Comedy and The Confessions disclosed that beauty is good and it is from God. One of the main concepts is that both poets stated that in order to feel the completeness of salvation, it is necessary to remember that beauty have to be loved as a means of Gods grace and recognized as coming from Him. Comparing Dante and St. Augustine, it is possible to add that, according to their points of views, the main key to feel this salvation is grace. Dante perceived the ideas of St. Augustine through multiple layers and thus the link between Dante and St. Augustine is mediate. The main point of contact: an absolute supremacy of spiritual values over secular ones, a fierce denunciation of peoples insatiable desire to possess a sin of lust. The similarities between their autobiographical accounts are that Augustine and Dante cannot imagine any other way of existence, except within the framework of the Christian ideal. Augustine taught Dante how to succeed in the art of medieval confession a son of the Century. This confession of youthful sonnets and The New Life is the most powerful words in the lyrics of Dante, which makes it ageless. In addition, Dante borrowed Augustines psychological analysis oriented not only on the readers minds, but also on the readers souls. Dante was attracted by the ideas and artistic methods of Augustine. He often addressed to The Confessions, which indirectly indicated the ratio of influences on his art and theology. This is a widespread fact that Virgil played a big role in Dantes account. Virgil, as a representative of the most profound human wisdom, became Dantes leader and guide through the circles of hell. For Dante, Virgil is the highest poet, honor and torch of the singers all over the world, my teacher, my favorite example, and a forerunner of a new era in the history of mankind. For Dante, the Aeneid was a constant source of inspiration, from which he derived the idea and style of Comedy, as well as his poetry: a combination of mysticism, fantasy, reality and prophecy. Although there are some differences between Dantes Inferno and Virgils Inferno (Dantes Inferno was inhabited by enemies and friends), he borrowed Virgils legends of the Golden Age and Cretan old man, hellish dog, images of Reef and Plantman, etc. Some scholars emphasized a polyphonic character of St. Augustines Confessions, specifically his usage of various biblical quotations, allusions, and Virgils Aeneid. If we remember the main geographical movements of St. Augustine, we can see that these movements reflect Aeneas journeys. For instance, Augustine comes to Carthage, which is one of the most well-known and central cities of the Roman Empire, in order to continue and then finish his studying. St. Augustines usage of some Virgils text is a mix of an old tradition of taking up different narratives, topics from the previous works and after that re-writing them for your own purposes. Thus, Virgil played an important role in Augustines account. Taking the above-stated information into consideration, it is possible to draw a conclusion that St. Augustines work is a powerful force that separates one historical era from another one the end of ancient Christianity from the early medieval Christianity. In turn, Dantes creativity had a tremendous impact on the development of Italian literature and European culture as a whole.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Critique of The Giver :: Giver Essays

A Critique of The Giver The purpose of this book was to show us a possible version of a "Utopia". It was a fantasy oriented book, that was suppose to make you think about the possibilities for the future. The setting is a supposedly perfect society where everyone is taken care of and no one is different. The author Lois Lowry does a fine job portraying this supposedly "ideal" society. This book began with a description of sameness and release the two general principles the society functions on. It then continues while Jonas (the main character) waits to receive his assignment in the community. Waiting to find out what his assignment is, and what it entails doing are rises in action. The climax is when the plan to escape the society is being conceived and the actual escape itself. The falling action is when he is escaping from the search planes and trying to keep himself and Gabriel alive. The ending is when he feels triumph at the top of the hill and then sleds down it to his new family, his first memory that belongs to him. There were many characters in this book the main one being Jonas. Jonas is a child in this supposed "Utopia" who ends up with the most important assignment of all the "Receiver of Memory". The Receiver holds all the memories of the whole community so the community does not have to be bothered with feelings and the emotional baggage that comes with them. Jonas's trainer the "Giver" is a old man who passes the memories on to Jonas and eventually thinks of the plan to escape. The Giver also adopts Jonas and Rosemary as his own kids in a way. He had a previous "Receiver" named Rosemary who applied for and received release. Release is the term for death in this community. So when Rosemary was released her memories went back to the community. Jonas and the Giver were talking about this when the Giver got the idea of how to get Jonas away from the community and get the community back its emotions and feelings. Gabriel was a another influential character he was a baby staying with Jonas's family till he was

Friday, July 19, 2019

America Needs Capital Punishment Essay -- Pro Death Penalty Essays

In this essay, I will argue for the implementation of the death penalty. I will establish a clear-cut profile for a criminal to be eligible for death row. I will put forth arguments for and against the death penalty as supported by various groups and try to defend my position. I shall also try to criticize the case against the death penalty with individual arguments. Finally, I will demonstrate that no alternative to capital punishment can be reached and try to convince you for its fairness. Despite ethical and moral concerns, the issue of capital punishment must not be dismissed without serious consideration and scrutiny.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Is our judiciary system working the way it is suppose to? Many people and countries are convinced that the judiciary system of the United States is a joke. While law may be rigid and defined, there are a number of loopholes which allow criminals to be set free into the streets. One such loophole has the death penalty in its eyes. In my opinion, criminals who commit a heinous crime should be put on death row and they should be executed as soon as possible without having the slights chance to end back up in society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What type of criminals would meet the criteria for death row? Should every lawbreaker, from a thief to murderer, be sentenced to such a harsh punishment? Absolutely not. In fact, I propose that it is the very extreme felons that should face this penalty. Murderers are the only ones that should be sentenced to death. As a matter of fact, I believe, it is only mass murderers that should confront this penalty. While murder is inexcusable, there are a number of ways in which a guilty party might not have been in full control nor done so with a different intent. Crimes of passion, for example is one such case where one may be compelled to murder, drunk driving and other driving accidents that cause fatalities. Another example could be seen in cases of revenge, such as killing a rapist. Where as such murderers should be punished accordingly, they do not deserve a death penalty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On the other hand, planed violence geared toward a group of induvilas rather than a single person must be penalized. Most murders that are seen today come on the mass scale. News reports are full of stories such as the â€Å"Oklahoma City Bomber†, who killed over one hundred people by bombs. One more recent story was the â€Å"Sniper† story, wher... ...le this system is very good for a single murder and should be implemented, it falls through in the case of multiple murders. Thus so far there are no alternatives to the death penalty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The only reasonable excuse against the death penalty is the execution of an innocent person. None the less, while in the past Techniques such as DNA testing did not exist, frequently police agencies are more precise in their accusation as well as their methods of finding the guilty party. As a society we must grant our trust into the hands of authority. While there still can be wrong imprisonment of people for petty crimes such as robbery, these would not quality for the death row. On the other hand, those people who committed mass murder, and let me reiterate mass murderers are often not wrongfully accused. These people deserve no less for themselves than what they have done to others. Even though we are compelled to remember a famous saying â€Å"An Eye For An Eye Makes The World Go Blind† we should not forget that death penalty, as I believe, should be applied to murderers of multiple victims. In this sense let’s rephrase the saying accordingly â €Å"50 eyes for an eye make’s reasonable sense.† America Needs Capital Punishment Essay -- Pro Death Penalty Essays In this essay, I will argue for the implementation of the death penalty. I will establish a clear-cut profile for a criminal to be eligible for death row. I will put forth arguments for and against the death penalty as supported by various groups and try to defend my position. I shall also try to criticize the case against the death penalty with individual arguments. Finally, I will demonstrate that no alternative to capital punishment can be reached and try to convince you for its fairness. Despite ethical and moral concerns, the issue of capital punishment must not be dismissed without serious consideration and scrutiny.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Is our judiciary system working the way it is suppose to? Many people and countries are convinced that the judiciary system of the United States is a joke. While law may be rigid and defined, there are a number of loopholes which allow criminals to be set free into the streets. One such loophole has the death penalty in its eyes. In my opinion, criminals who commit a heinous crime should be put on death row and they should be executed as soon as possible without having the slights chance to end back up in society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What type of criminals would meet the criteria for death row? Should every lawbreaker, from a thief to murderer, be sentenced to such a harsh punishment? Absolutely not. In fact, I propose that it is the very extreme felons that should face this penalty. Murderers are the only ones that should be sentenced to death. As a matter of fact, I believe, it is only mass murderers that should confront this penalty. While murder is inexcusable, there are a number of ways in which a guilty party might not have been in full control nor done so with a different intent. Crimes of passion, for example is one such case where one may be compelled to murder, drunk driving and other driving accidents that cause fatalities. Another example could be seen in cases of revenge, such as killing a rapist. Where as such murderers should be punished accordingly, they do not deserve a death penalty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On the other hand, planed violence geared toward a group of induvilas rather than a single person must be penalized. Most murders that are seen today come on the mass scale. News reports are full of stories such as the â€Å"Oklahoma City Bomber†, who killed over one hundred people by bombs. One more recent story was the â€Å"Sniper† story, wher... ...le this system is very good for a single murder and should be implemented, it falls through in the case of multiple murders. Thus so far there are no alternatives to the death penalty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The only reasonable excuse against the death penalty is the execution of an innocent person. None the less, while in the past Techniques such as DNA testing did not exist, frequently police agencies are more precise in their accusation as well as their methods of finding the guilty party. As a society we must grant our trust into the hands of authority. While there still can be wrong imprisonment of people for petty crimes such as robbery, these would not quality for the death row. On the other hand, those people who committed mass murder, and let me reiterate mass murderers are often not wrongfully accused. These people deserve no less for themselves than what they have done to others. Even though we are compelled to remember a famous saying â€Å"An Eye For An Eye Makes The World Go Blind† we should not forget that death penalty, as I believe, should be applied to murderers of multiple victims. In this sense let’s rephrase the saying accordingly â €Å"50 eyes for an eye make’s reasonable sense.†

Physics of the Arctic :: physics arctic

The Arctic is a strange and unusual place where nature still rules with and icy fist. In the land of the "high noon moon", the extreme cold has a strange effect on the environment, the people, and even everyday objects that we take for granted act different. Ice rules the land and shapes it to it's will. Layers of cold air change a normal scene into a wonderland of color and mystery. Normal, everyday items take on unusual characteristics in the sub-zero climate. Ice wedges are structures where water has filled a crack or hole in the ground and froze over the winter. As the water freezes, it expands, making the crack bigger. As the Wedge gets bigger, the whole it creates gets bigger and gets fovered with sediments and dirt. On the surface, these ice wedges make the ground look like a patchwork of tiles, called polygons. As the wedge gets deeper, it begins to melt and the water is then put under high pressure from the surrounding ice and dirt. This causes the water to be forced to the surface. As it moves twards the surface, the rock and soil above it are pushed out of the way, making pingos. These pingos are usually a small hill with a ring or rock and soil at the center. Many pingos, thought, can reach the size of a house or other large building. When we think of a mirage, we usually think of a hot desert. In the arctic, though, the thermal layering of the cold air causes a similar effect. The effect is the opposite of a heat mirage though. Here, you can see that the mountain looks to be up-side down and mushroom shaped. In the winter in the far north, the temperatures can get real low! This was the coldest temperature during the winter of '03-'04. The extreme cold allowed me to have a little fun and also caused a few problems. On the morning that the temperature reached -54F, i decided to get up early and go into town to get a picture of a sign so all my friends would beleave me when i told them how cold it had been, when i started to move in the car, however, i noticed that the tired felt wierd as i drove. When the air in the tires is supercooled, he presure drops and the tires arreap to deflate, causing the bottoms to become flattened against the ground.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Of Mice And Men Pee On Crooks Essay

P: Crooks is the one on the ranch who is by himself and is unable to mix in with the others at all because of his colour. E: This is proven through the phrase , Crooks, on a black man’s loneliness: â€Å"S’pose you didn’t have nobody. S’pose you couldn’t go into the bunk house and play rummy ’cause you was black. How’d you like that? S’pose you had to sit out here an’ read books. A: Through the repetition of the conjunction â€Å"s’pose,† a lexical field of isolation is created which further emphasises the sheer hardship he faces being the only black man, which simultaneously provokes the reader to feel empathetic towards him. Another reason that the reader will feel empathetic towards Crooks at this point is because of the fact that he his openly confiding in Lennie which gives the impression that he isn’t able to do this on a normal basis. P: Crooks is aware that not only is his weakness his crooked spine but also his colour. E: â€Å"This is just a nigger talkin’, an’ a busted-back nigger. So it don’t mean nothing, see?† A: The use of alliteration with â€Å"busted-back† suggests how Crooks is emphasizing the fact that he is not only black but is also significantly weak compared to the others because of his back. Through this the double marginalism Crooks faces is emphasised which creates sympathy towards him. This further gives the impression that he is almost purposely trying to devalue himself which implies how he is vulnerable and is almost trying to use this as a privilege as the weak are not listened to and taken account of. P: Even though Crooks is the only Negro at the ranch, Steinbeck displays him as an extremely independent worker. E: This is evident from, â€Å"This room was swept and fairly neat, for Crooks was a proud aloof man. He kept his distance and demanded that others kept theirs. A: From the description of his room which Crooks insists on keeping neat implies that fact that even though he has been degraded to the levels of animals because of his colour, he has come to the realisation that he does not need to live like one. This displays that dignity is an important matter to him. Also the use of the verb â€Å"demanded† suggests that Crooks is determined to have a say in which he talks to if that’s the only thing he can do. This emphasises the fact that he purposely isolates himself, as he is a victim of prejudice. P: Steinbeck deeply describes Crooks facial features, which provide us an insight to Crooks emotions and experiences. E: For example, â€Å"his eyes†¦.. because of their depth seemed to glitter with intensity†¦ he had pain-tightened lips†¦Ã¢â‚¬  implies this. A: The use of the metaphor, â€Å"glitter with intensity† implies that Crooks has many hidden emotions yet he is unable to share them with anyone, as he is not close to anyone due to his colour. Also the use of the pre-modifier, â€Å"pain tightened lips† suggests that Crooks has almost represses his emotions and painful experiences away inside him, as he is unable to find someone to confide in. P: Many other people use his colour as an excuse to overpower him. E: For example Curley’s wife says, â€Å"I can have you canned for this,† A: The fact that Crooks immediately pipes down tells us that even Curley’s wife can use her status as a white woman to get her own way despite it her in the wrong of being in Crooks room. This displays the predatory nature of human existence displayed through all the character on the ranch. P: Crooks lack of dominance in the ranch life is clearly evident through his  description and personality. E: ‘The door opened quietly†¦ a lean negro head, lined with pain, the eye patient’ (Pg. 77) A: As he ‘opened quietly’, can be symbolic of his natural quiet life, which shows that he is in an isolated world with no dreams. The explicit commentary of crooks ‘head’ being black as shown by the word ‘negro’, expresses that being a black person means that you are powerless and segregated in the ranch life. ‘Eye patient’, confirms to the audience that Crooks is awaiting for recognition, and as he is ‘lean’, could possibly mean that he is looking up at the ranch workers as he has no authority over them. P: Crooks craves for some human contact vastly through uttering his feelings. E: ‘a guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody†¦books ain’t no good†¦guy gets too lonely an’ sick’ A: Use of hyperbole, ‘nuts’ stresses Crooks abhorrence of his seclusion and that being socially excluded has made him change negatively, by being ‘sick’. The adverbial quantifier intensifier points out that his need for social interaction is literally killing him. Through the use of the words, ‘nuts†¦lonely†¦sick’, creates a semantic field of dehumanisation, as Crooks has no typical lifestyle or feelings in association to the other workers in the ranch. A lexical field of knowledge is made due to the repetition of ‘books’, showing that ‘books’ is his only source of entertainment to fulfil his need to mingle with others in society. P: Crooks despondent state makes him urge to take advantage of the weakest in the ranch, Lennie. E: ‘S’pose George don’t come back no more’ A: Crooks, plays with Lennie’s mind, to torment him, which was deliberately done to make Crook feel better as he doesn’t feel remorseful for himself no  more (schadenfreude). He treats Lennie in this manner, by eradicating the thought of George returning which is significant to Lennie, as they are fraternal bonds. P: Crooks poor physical and emotional injuries are displayed when he is described. E: ‘Pain-tightened lips†¦face lined with pain’ A: Here a semantic field of agony is evident through the words ‘pain†¦ tightened†¦pain’, which suggests that Crooks ranch life underprivileged and too challenging for someone of his figure. The use of pre-modifier ‘pain-tightened’, illustrates the depth of ache within crook, which makes him unable to speak up for himself, due to having no greater dominance in contrast to other ranch workers including Curley’s wife.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Clique Mobile Coffee Essay

flat coat and RationaleStudying the fundamental reasons why the proponents aim to generate a stage stock chocolate tree take a shit.A java buy at or cafeteria tunees be already popular worldwide, too many hangs, judicature and outputs. Almost every deep brown shop barteres stay long because of satisfying income. How astir(predicate) transformation to this rail line that provoke a risk just now support buoy in entirely c arlihood maximize profit. officious cocoa shops that acquired equipments that to the highest degree within a vehicle that travellings to divergent places is definitely unique and new thats why it is feasible. The proponents are aiming to study the reasons this business should be implemented and figured bulge a solution to all the problems that whitethorn encounter to the inquiry. These are some reasons and problems1. An innovation should be dumbfound a perfect research before implementing and it is bit difficult to assign to the mas s market.2. Risky is involved because it put up easily bump by separate cars that it maydestroy the vehicle generous of machineries and high value assets and equipment that raise in all likelihood explode.3. Implementing is one of the hardest part because it has a circuit of process and there were only some high-ways to trip, alike it has limited places to go like traveling at the urban areas and particular highways.4. Supply of burnt umber beans can be also limited, Benguet, the state itself produce proviso of resources wherein the harvest is by season.5. The weather of note can cause the profit deprivation especially here in Benguet where rainy season is mostly half-year.I. Project drumheadI.1 Name of the Business Clique fluent CafClique is the proposed name of the business because its a converted vehicle that in just one click it is alter into a business vigorous and it has Wi-Fi. In addition, mobile, as the word itself, it can travel to one place to diffe rent while the mobile itself is the kitchen.I.2 Business logoI.3 LocationBurnham Park Baguio City, BenguetI.4 Descriptive description of the ProjectClique Caf is a coffee shop that serves not only beverages but includes food, bread and pastry wares. It has keen kitchen, machineries in wangle coffee and pastry harvestings and a small port commensurate comfort room. The eat is an open area just foreign around the vehicle wherein all the tables and chairs are portable including the tabernacles and tent that covers the place. It has a holding of 21ft x 9ft x 9ft. Its a food and beverage business which the chief(prenominal) harvest-feast is coffee. It travels to different placeswhere people commonly hang-out. Clique Caf serves some beverages such as herbal tea, white and cold Choc coffee.I.5 peck and MissionVisionWe aim to travel nationwide to leave alone the dress hat smell coffee and bread for breakfast in every Filipino household that can purchase our most affordable product. We imagine to countenance tourism and make our give trademark name of coffee product that positions ourselves as premier coffee shop nationwide.MissionTo yield the best fictional character and most satisfying cite product with high standard services. To continuously promote teamwork and excellence in our establishment and yield a good environmental relationship between our employees and clients.I.6 ObjectiveThere are two principal(prenominal) products we aim to provide to our market. Our caf exit establish the commonly utilize style of coffee which is service coffee and bread. But we want to make name for our protest product. We aim in making our very own unique discretion for our products that our market would want to have. We strongly cogitate that this would be possible by the helper of using indigenous raw product we have in Baguio. Being a city located in the Benguet Province, the province mainly produces harvest of coffee beans that have quality which c an compete with its own flavor.This flavor is what we want to introduce in the mass market. The Province also is the main provider of fresh vegetables and fruits that our caf can make use of in producing breads. We will able to make recipes from these indigenous products. These are the product that Clique Mobile Caf would be knightly of and carry under its brand. Clique Mobile Cafe goal is to satisfy our customer by the unique products with the very best of goods and services that we can offer. And we want our business and product will known all over the world.I.7 floorCoffee munimentThe history of coffee goes at least as far back as the thirteenth century with a outcome of myths surrounding its initiatory use. The original inhering population of coffee is thought to have come from East Africa specifically to Ethiopia, and it was first cultivated by Arabs from the 14th century. The soonest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries of Yemen. By the sixteenth century, it had r apieceed the remain of the Middle East, Persia, Turkey and northern Africa. Coffee then spread to the Balkans, Italy and to the rest of Europe, to Indonesia and then to the Americas.Coffee shop HistoryCoffeehouse and coffee shop are related terms for an establishment which earlier serves prepared coffee and separate hot beverages. Caf or cafe or caff may refer to a coffeehouse, amount, tea room, small and cheap restaurant, transport cafe, or other casual eating and drinking place, depending on the culture. A coffeehouse may serving some of the same characteristics of a bar or restaurant, but it is different from a cafeteria. As the name suggests, coffeehouses focus on providing coffee and tea as vigorous as light snacks. Many coffee houses in the Middle East, and in air jacket Asian immigrant districts in the Western world, offer shisha (nargile in Turkish and Greek), fl avored baccy smoked through a hookah. Espresso barsare a type of coffeehouse that specializes in serving espresso and espresso-based drinks.II. Management AspectBusiness makeupA business organization is an soulfulness or group of people that join to achieve certain commercial goals. rough business organizations are create to unclutter income for owners. Other business organizations, called non lucre, are formed for public purposes. These businesses often raise silver andutilize other resources to provide or support public programs.2.1 fusion union is a business organization in which two or more individuals bed and operate the business. Both owners are as and personally liable for the debts from the business. Therefore the proponents will adopt the Partnership form of business. The proponents chose league because its not big and all-encompassing as a corporation and the jacket crown is lesser than a larger business. The proposed redact is easily managed by two or more people or the owners itself.Rules and Guidelines of PartnershipOne of the potential swallowbacks of a confederation is that the other attendants are bound to contracts subscribe by for each one other on behalf of the confederacy. Choosing cooperators you can trust, and who are savvy, is critical.Making notesMaking money is the first witness because it is the biggest impetus for any deal. The deals that actually get done are the ones that can probe their worth. Companies often have a stripped-down monetary threshold, but if you can enkindle that a lucrative alliance can be made, then you should be in discussion about working together. assignment BusinessNaming business fellowship is actually a very grievous step in creating partnership musical arrangement because it formally establishes the business entity for effective purposes. entirely documents referring to the partnership should use the partnerships name, once you and your business partners register it. share to PartnershipA partnership treaty must include the capital or property each of the partners is investing in the order. The balance should also include what roles each partner will be playing when the business is surgical procedureal, including managerial capacities and who controls the day-to-day operation of the business.The partners dedicate resources such as financial, technical, stave and reputational toward achieving agreed objectives over time. Theyalso establish a new organization with overlap governance and a management building block to deliver these activities. Partners dont draw a salary and share profits and losings equally. Partners have a occupation of loyalty to the other partners and must not enrich themselves at the expense of the partnership, and also have a duty to provide financial accounting to the other partners.Allocating shekels and LossesAllocating profits and losses is a key element of companys partnership understanding. This section of agreement de termines how a good deal money each partner stands to make, including what destiny of profit each member may receive, as well as what office of business losses each partner must absorb. Its usually nefarious to create a partnership agreement that assigns a higher percentage financial obligation to a partner than the partner sooner invested in the company. Keeping responsibility for losses commensurate with each partners percentage investment should preserve the legal integrity of the document.Determining Partnership dictumWithout specific language detailing each partners authority in the business, any partner can exponent the entire company into a covert legal agreement without the consent of your other partners. Clearly defining each partners power within the company to enter into binding agreements keeps the partnership from dispersion itself too thin and making big(a) business decisions. This rule can also put a system in place for the partnership to make business deci sions, including rules on voting and obtaining partner consent. The other rules would be found in a written partnership agreement. Such an agreement could outline procedures for making major business decisions, how profits and losses will be split, and how much control each partner maintains.2.2 Owner of the BusinessClique mobile caf is owned by Mr. John Ericson P. Amistad and Ahldrin L. Abellera.2.3 organizational Chart